What Every Homeowner Should Know About Roof Shingle Wind Damage

Wind Damaged Roof Shingles

Roof Shingle Wind Damage Can Be Serious In Illinois, Here's What To Know

Illinois experiences some severe weather extremes, including high winds. Wind damage to your home's roof can be serious. Here's what you need to know.

When it comes to high winds, your roof is an easy target. As weather becomes more unpredictable, sudden strong winds, hail, and torrential rains can cause devastating roof damage. Even without rain or hail, roof shingle wind damage can impact your roof.

After a wind event, look for signs of roof shingle wind damage. Sometimes, the damage is obvious, for example, if a tree limb comes down during a wind storm knocking off shingles. Other times, the damage is much more subtle, like water spots on the ceiling, broken or curled shingles, or damaged flashing.

Learn about the signs of wind damage, the types of damage that can be fixed, and how to file an insurance claim for more severe damage.

How Wind Damages Asphalt Roof Shingles

Even low wind speeds during a summer thunderstorm can damage shingle roofs.

Because wind doesn't hit roofs uniformly, they are prone to wind damage. The extent of the damage depends on several factors - from wind speed to the age and condition of your roof. Damage typically starts around the roof's perimeter or on loose shingles. Uplift pressure is highest at the corners of the roof, and the pressure is also higher at the roof's edges, making these areas vulnerable to damage. As the winds move across your roof, negative pressure (or suction pressure) can lift shingles off the roof deck.

In addition to wind damage, your roof could be damaged by falling objects and debris.

Wind Speeds and Potential Damage

The actual wind speed can impact the severity and type of damage that can occur.

  • 45-55 mph – broken tree limbs, loose shingles blown off

  • 55-75 mph – small trees downed, sturdy shingles ripped off

  • 75-90 mph – large trees blown over or uprooted, possible structural damage

  • 90+ mph – Significant roof damage-resistant

After a Storm Assessing the Damage

There are definite signs that your roof has sustained damage. Some are obvious, while other damage may require an inspection by a roofing professional. Here are some obvious signs of damage you can see from the ground with your eyes or a pair of binoculars.

Here are some common warning signs:

Granules - As your roof shingles age, granules will loosen due to time and the elements. Look in the gutter or around the downspouts for collections of granules. This can be a sign of wind damage.

Leaky or Clogged Gutters - If rainwater is going over the top of the gutters, they are clogged. It could be debris deposited by the wind or shingles that blew off during the storm. If left unattended, clogged gutters can cause thousands of dollars in siding and foundation damage.

Broken, Cracked, or Curled Shingles - Broken, curled, or cracked shingles can be seen from the ground. If a few shingles are cracked or curled, you can extend the life of your roof by replacing them. If the damage is extensive, a complete roof replacement may be required.

Missing Shingles - Any missing shingles should be replaced immediately. They can lead to serious structural issues, including rotting wood, mold, or other damage.

If you see any of these signs, it's best to have a professional inspection. A roofing professional can find two additional signs of damage by walking the roof: underlayment damage and the extent of shingle damage.

What About Insurance?

If an inspection determines that you have suffered roof shingle wind damage, the roofing contractor will provide an estimate for repairs. For many property owners, homeowner's insurance often covers wind damage repairs, but this isn't always the case. Knowing what is and isn't covered can be confusing. Your insurance person or a roofing professional can help you with the claims process.

It's best to take a proactive approach and talk with your agent or provider before an incident occurs. Keep in mind that several factors may affect your homeowner's coverage, such as the age of your roof, the extent of the damage, where you live, and other factors. After meeting with your agent, if it is determined that some repairs are not covered, you may be able to purchase supplemental insurance that will cover you in the event of roof shingle wind damage.

If you believe your home has suffered wind damage, the best option is to contact a local roofing professional and schedule an inspection. They can help you determine the extent of damage, the cost of repairs, and how to file a claim with your insurance agent.

If you live in the Wilmette, Illinois area, give the experts at Lynch Roofing a call at (847) 217-0004. Let us help you keep your roof in top shape with semi-annual inspections. If you believe your roof has suffered wind damage, schedule an inspection today. Our team will keep your roof ready to meet the challenges of our Illinois weather and up your home's curb appeal!


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